The Waiting Room
All images from Dr. JG Hagen's office have been copyrighted @2024, Tracey Hagen, All Rights Reserved
In loving memory of my father, Dr. J.G. Hagen aka Painless Hagen.
My inspiration and introduction to black and white portraits began here. As a teenager in the 80's, I worked summers in my father's dental office assisting my Dad with developing the dental ex-rays in the darkroom and taking polaroid portraits of each patient to exhibit on his office walls as his wall art. It was the "Facebook" of his time. If you know, you know that if you were a patient of "Painless Hagen", you were searching for your friends and family on the walls covered with Polaroids that were scotched taped together behind plexiglass in his waiting room. Over the years, the collection of Polaroids expanded throughout all the walls covering his entire office from several generations of families. When my father passed away in 1997, I saved his original collection of images of his life's work to honor his legacy and scanned to preserve the childhood memories of so many people in our community who were raised in Miami & Miami Beach, Florida. Recently, I have collected quotes from some of his past patients and their childhood memories from this time which I've included below with the images.
I truly understand the importance of having legacy portraits to pass down to future generations.
xoxo, Tracey